
Motherhood Holistic Tips & Insights from Dr. Kimberly

From pregnancy tips to breastfeeding advice, find natural solutions for all your motherhood needs with expert guidance.

Birth Trauma: What Is It, and What Impact Can It Have?

Jul 23, 2024
Childbirth is one of the greatest gifts a human can experience. It can be amazing, beautiful, empowering, emotional, and life-changing! The true, remarkable strength of a woman shines through as a seemingly impossible task becomes...

From Conception to Postpartum: Testing 101

Jun 25, 2024
Discovering you’re pregnant can cause a rush of emotions. It is a time of significant change, from excitement and anticipation to overwhelm and sometimes confusion. In the beginning, it’s easy to feel as though you’re...

Speech and Language Milestones

May 22, 2024
Babies begin communicating the moment they are born, crying to let us know they might be cold, tired, hungry, wet, or need soothing. At first, babies communicate to get their needs met, and slowly, as...

Support Your Pregnancy Glow

Aug 22, 2022
I have shared time and time again that skin is truly an inside job, but what we put on the outside matters too! Especially throughout your pregnancy. Small acts of self-care and beautifying rituals can...

How Your Breastmilk Changes During Illness

Aug 22, 2022
The Power of Breast Milk: What to do if mama or baby is under the weather? If you are a new mama, you may be concerned about what to do when you or your baby...

Breast Milk: What I Would Do + Best Options Available

Aug 22, 2022
There is so much chatter all around us pertaining to the infant formula shortage. Yes, that is an issue, but today, I want to talk about supporting the moms who breastfeed! After the adrenaline-charged experience...
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