Find Your Mom Tribe of Support

May 4, 2018

The Next Best Step

NOPE, my husband hasn’t always been one to wake up early on vacation to make THIS for his family!

Life is a progression. Life is forever moving and changing and shifting. We can choose to stand still, or we can choose to evolve. All we can ever do is take the next best step. It was Glennon Doyle that said this! It’s so true!!!

The next right thing, one thing at a time-will bring you all the way home.

Healing is NO different! We can’t look at the whole big picture and everything we must employ to heal. We can only take the next best step.

Celery juice anyone?!

We can’t harp on who will support us and who won’t. We can’t stand still in the space of the partner that fails to support our journey. It may not be their journey, but it also may be, eventually.

Whether you are on your own healing journey or healing one of your little ones, it can be overwhelming. The first step was for ALL of us!

Motherhood & Your Mom Tribe of Support

This motherhood experience is amazing, euphoric, intense and FULL of tough times. Full of love, and full of beauty. Full of moments that knock you to the ground. Full of giggles, yelling, smiles, and tantrums. Full of dirty hands and feet, sticky counters, and handprints on your windows and mirrors. Full of snuggles, love, kisses, and singing. Full of diapers, and poop, and spit up. Full of tears and full of adventures and long stories at bedtime.

As women, we are BORN to be mothers. Even though this is our birthright, it comes with much difficulty, frustration, sleepless nights, lessons, mistakes, and HARD days. This is when we feel JOY and PAIN all at the same time. We look at the amazing creations our bodies have birthed, and we think WOW “this is hard.” We want to stay in this moment forever, yet we just want someone to reach in and help us right now. These feelings are all normal, and the fact that things do feel hard is completely human and real.

This is where our support system or our TRIBE comes into play. Whether you are a new mom, stay at home mom, or working mom—whatever your situation—we all need support at one time or another from our fellow moms.  We all need a TRIBE of like-minded women walking beside us, to hold us up, to keep us strong, and to remind us of our WHY. These women will share in our happiness, in our darkness, and cheer us on when we have a small success. These women will remind us that ALL of this is normal, all of this is right, and all of this is beautiful. These women will be present for our emotions, offer suggestions, and let us feel heard in our beautiful messiness, and have the potential to become our best friends, always there when we need a little extra help. Living against the grain is not always easy, but it IS worth it.

Thank you Medical Medium for being my “next best step.”

So just because your partner is not up prepping wild blueberry smoothies or fruit trays doesn’t mean you can’t reach out for the support YOU need on this journey.

Making time to connect with your mama tribe is a form of self-care and fantastic for your mental health. You can get together with your mom friends once a week for play dates at a local park (or leave the kids with your partner for the day), find a mommy group on social media, or even a support group near you. There are countless women out there who could benefit so much from just sharing their struggles and talking to other moms who can relate. If you’re not sure where to look, here are  10 mom groups that are totally amazing.

A Course to Empower Moms

Finding your mom tribe is just another reason that I am so excited to announce my new course, Empowered Moms: Surviving and Thriving in a Toxic World.

No matter how well educated or well prepared we try to be, we’ll always this have this small fear in the back of our mind’s when it comes to the health of our children. We want them to always be happy and healthy, so when they are not feeling their best, it can bring up a whirlwind of emotions. You might question if what your doing is right, thoughts like:

  • Am I feeding the right foods?
  • Am I giving the right supplements?
  • What even are the right supplements?
  • What should I do next?
  • Could I be doing something differently—better?
  • Am I in over my head?

I want to reassure you that the answers are inside of you. You know your children better than anyone, and you CAN do this. You just have to trust yourself. But I know that can be hard, and that’s why support is crucial to facing healing head on.

I have created this 3-week virtual course to support you on your healing path and answer the questions that come up as you move through this process. I’ll guide you through defining your WHY (why are you called to heal and live this way of life), overcoming difficult emotions that challenge your confidence, food and supplements to support your children, creating a healing environment for your family, and applying the Medical Medium protocols to your children’s health.

You’ll be able to connect with other moms going through this journey (via a private Facebook group) and share in each other’s challenges and triumphs. Together we’ll form our own tribe of Empowered Moms ready to take on anything.

The information in this course is so close to my heart, and I am excited to share how my @medicalmedium journey has opened my eyes to the truth, and how you can apply these principles to your own children’s health.

The course will begin June 4th, and if you pre-order before May 17th you’ll save $50!

Hope you’ll join our tribe!

Join the Empowered Moms Tribe

The post Find Your Mom Tribe of Support appeared first on Reclaimers of Health.

Empowered Moms
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Dr. Kimberly holding her baby at the beach.