Functional Medicine with Dr. Hennie

May 1, 2019

Does an Open-Minded Medical Doctor Exist?

So many of you have asked us if an open-minded medical doctor exists—one that will support healing the root cause, embrace using food as medicine, help wean you off of medications, or jump in to help in reversing chronic symptoms in your children.

Many of you have hit the ground running, and are reversing chronic and mystery symptoms one right after another. There are also others that may have come into this on a long list of pharmaceutical medications and are now wondering if they are all necessary. Thyroid healing, anyone?

If you have a very complex case, are feeling like it’s time to review your current prescriptions, or need an open-minded pediatrician for your children, you will want to watch the video below! Kimberly and Dr. Hennie will be collaborating in the near future!

Meet Dr. Hennie!

More About Dr. Hennie

Dr. Hennie (Hendrieka Fitzpatrick M.D., AFMCP) has been exclusively practicing Functional and Integrated medicine for more than 15 years. She is Board certified in Functional and Biological medicine, as well as Family Practice.

Hennie graduated from Cornell University with a degree in Medical Ethics and received her M.D. from George Washington University in 1981. She received her Family Medicine Board certification in 1985 from Case Western University. She spent 10 years in the National Health Service Corps before moving to Santa Fe, New Mexico where she discovered a passion for understanding the root causes of chronic illness. Hennie was a student and colleague of Thomas Rau M.D. of the Paracelsus Clinic in Lustmuehle, Switzerland. She became certified by the Institute of Functional Medicine in 2016.

Hennie is a mother of five, an avid athlete, and a former member of the Santa Fe Women’s Circus.

Visit Dr. Hennie Wellness

The post Functional Medicine with Dr. Hennie appeared first on Reclaimers of Health.

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Dr. Kimberly holding her baby at the beach.