Are You Ready to Reboot Your Health?

Look no further than my 8 Day Reboot starting Monday, January 11th!! First, let me tell you a little bit more about what a reboot is and why I created one.
What is a Reboot?
A reboot can be a cleanse; a reboot can be a detox; a reboot can simply be a period of time to bring in MORE of the good stuff and phase out the foods that do not serve your body. A reboot can also be a way of learning a more sustainable lifestyle.
Why Did I Decide to Run a Reboot?
I’ve been asked time and time again over the past few years, “Kimberly, why don’t you lead an online cleanse or detox?”, and my response is always that my clients are in all different stages of healing. What is right for one client may not be right for another client. This can happen within one’s own family, within friend groups, or even between or among children living in the same home. What I can say for sure is that it is imperative to tap into your higher self when it comes to eating.
The quarantine has changed things for us all though. The uncertainty, stress, and struggle to manage through these times have tested us as a people, as a nation, and as individuals.
It got me thinking that now could the best time for a reboot. It could be a way for those stuck on their healing or health goals to reset and get a fresh start. Now is the time.
What is My Goal for the 8 Day Reboot?
My goal for this reboot is to facilitate a community of like-minded people in search of healing, in search of clarity, in search of shedding habits that no longer serve. I strive to provide a foundation for those who have felt nervous about embarking on a cleanse or a detox alone or for those who may have tried a cleanse before but didn’t have the results they had hoped to achieve.
Although the reboot comes with a menu and daily food plan, it can (and should!) absolutely be customized for those who are starting from scratch, those who are already raw/plant-based/avoiding no-foods, or even those who are pregnant or breastfeeding.
You can do this reboot if you’re looking to “clean things up” or if you are looking to take your healing to the next level!
This community will hold your hand, cheer you on, and answer your questions. It is a part of what makes our courses so empowering and rewarding for all who participate. We are here for YOU!
What’s Included in the Reboot?
There are 8 days of lessons . Here’s the breakdown of what we’ll discuss each day.
Day 1: Welcome & Introductions – Learn about me, why I created the Reboot, and introduce yourself to the group! This is also a great place to start thinking about your goals for the Reboot.
Day 2: Let’s Prep! – Learn what foods NOT to eat while cleansing, participate in a grounding mediation to get off on the right foot, and grab all the resources (shopping list, menu, customizable menu, and 2 recipe ebooks). (I actually open this material up early for participants to allow even more time for shopping & prep.)
Day 3: Benefits of a Cleansing Diet – This is where the informational part of the Reboot begins. I discuss the reasons why a reboot is an optimal way to get yourself back on track and/or to dive deeper into a healing lifestyle.
Day 4: Detox vs. Flare + How to Speed Up / Slow Down Detox – Here I talk about some ways your body might react to a reboot or a longer cleanse and why! This lesson will help you stay in control by paying attention to your body while you’re making important changes.
Day 5: The Lymphatic System – On day 3, I discuss how exactly our lymphatic system works and ways you can support this amazing system within your body.
Day 6: The Nervous System – This lesson focuses specifically on the nervous system and ways to support it, particularly during a reboot or eventually a longer cleanse.
Day 7: Maintaining a Cleansing Diet Long Term – The final day helps you decide where you want to go after your successful completion of the reboot!
Day 8: Getting Back Into Exercise After Chronic Symptoms, Illness, Dis-ease – This is a bonus lesson I added based on popular request. It’s a topic that really hits home for me. Learn about supporting your adrenals and how to start incorporating movement into your routine again.
Recap, Closing, Bonus Q&A: Each round I share a bonus Q&A video to wrap up the course. You will have access to all Q&A’s from previous rounds as well.
Designed so You Can Keep Going if You Want To
While we will have just 8 short days together, once we’re finished, you will be in a great position to decide where you want to go next! You can certainly stop after 8 days, or you can use what you’ve put into practice to determine a sustainable eating plan. Because the Reboot is Medical Medium-compliant, it’s also a perfect start to a 28 day cleanse or 3:6:9.
Just know that by simply participating in the 8 Day Reboot , you have done your brain and body major favors! Anything you take with you from this experience will only support your body in being the best it can be and working toward the ultimate goal of healing.
Be proud of using your free will to make your own choice to work on your healing. Have compassion for yourself and know that your suffering is not your fault. Your struggles are not your fault. You’re accomplishing great things every single hour and day as you work on your healing process… I believe you can heal. -Anthony William
Are You Ready to Reboot Your Health?
There is still time to enroll if this sounds right for you. Hope to see and support you soon!!
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