
Winter Squash Soup

Sep 30, 2023
Looking to start upping your health game for fall but don’t know where to begin? Don’t know what foods to prepare? This is one challenge that many people face when they first set out to...

My Top Tips for Keeping Kids Healthy at School

Sep 1, 2023
September is here and you know what that means… back to school for the kiddos! Fall is an exciting time of year, but it can also be quite chaotic. For families, it means tremendous changes...

An Overlooked Cause of Poor Behavior in Children

Aug 13, 2023
There’s no denying that motherhood and raising children bring so much joy into our lives. Seeing them grow, develop and turn into tiny little humans is truly a miracle to witness. As Mamas, it often...

Protecting Against Poor Air Quality

Aug 1, 2023
It’s no doubt that summer is now in full swing. The sun is shining, the birds are chirping and the flowers are in full bloom showing their beautiful vibrant colours. For many people, summer is...

Silica Benefits

Jul 13, 2023
Silica: A Foundational Mineral for Good Health  When you think of the minerals required for good health, which ones come to mind? Calcium or magnesium? How about iron, zinc or potassium?     Although all of...

What’s the Deal with Protein?

Jul 2, 2023
Protein! “Are you getting enough protein?” “I’m focusing on maximizing my protein intake.” “How many grams of protein did you get in today?” Have you been asked any of these questions or heard someone make...

Postpartum Depression

May 16, 2023
Being a new mom is the hardest job there is. From late night feedings and diaper changes to the existential weight of bringing a new life into the world, it’s no wonder so many women...

Why We Skip the Sippy Cup

May 3, 2023
Your little one has been breast or bottle feeding for a while now and you are ready to add a cup. Such an exciting time!  You figure that the next rite of passage is transitioning...

What is Botox, and Natural Alternatives

Sep 13, 2022
We want to have open conversations around topics and questions we receive from women on a regular basis. Our goal here is to simply provide helpful, decision-making information in a non-judgmental way. This platform will...
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Empowered Women a 3 Week Course, is designed for women of all ages (including moms and moms-to-be) to access healing tools and key information about women’s health and wellness.