Food & Diet

Holistic Food & Diet Tips from Dr. Kimberly

Holistic insights on food and diet. Dive into topics like grains, celery juice, and plant-based diets for optimal wellness.

Life-Giving Foods for Giving Life

Mar 16, 2018
So many of the powerful life-changing foods that exist on earth to nourish and heal our bodies are also, literally, life-giving foods. We know, from Anthony William, that we must “eat fruit to produce fruit,”...

Enhancing the Healing Power of Food Through Touch

Sep 29, 2017
Connect With Your Food on a Deeper Level What if food could be tailor-made to afford your body, mind, and soul all that you need to survive and thrive? The truth is, that’s exactly what...

Summer Fruits and Vegetables for a Plant-Based Diet

Jun 22, 2017
The Abundance of Summer Summer is officially here, and what better time to discuss some summer fruits and veggies that will serve you well on a plant based diet? If you are transitioning or new...
Empowered Moms
Starts March 25th!

Our most in-demand and popular course! This 4-week course is specifically designed for moms to access information, no matter the age and development stage of children, or their current wellness lifestyle.